TaleTap User Agreement and Disclaimer

Thank you for using TaleTap. This Agreement is a contract between you and the manager of the APP. It has the legal effect of a contract. Please read it carefully.


1.1 When using the Service, please ensure that the content you input and the uploaded reference images do not infringe others' rights and interests, do not involve bad information and erotic content, and do not input politically related TaleTap content, and all the input content is legal and compliant.

1.2 If the platform finds that you intentionally input the content contained in 1.1, generate illegal pictures and spread rumors, which will have an impact on the company, we have the right to permanently ban your account and investigate relevant legal liabilities.

1.3 You acknowledge and understand that all content generated by the current experience service is generated by the artificial intelligence model. Yuyi Yunhe Tech does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and functionality of the generated content, and the generated content does not represent our attitude or views.

1.4 Our services are provided within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, including but not limited to the accumulation of information such as open Internet, and have been continuously filtered by automatic and artificial sensitive data. However, it is not ruled out that some of the information is defective, unreasonable or unpleasant. In case of any relevant situation, you are welcome to give us feedback through this platform at any time. We will attach great importance to your comments and take timely and effective measures to deal with them. Meanwhile, we would like to express our thanks to you very much.

1.5 Before you agree to accept this Statement, please input the specific usage specifications in strict accordance with the content of the User Agreement and Disclaimer.

1.6 No matter whether you have actually read this Statement or not, when you click on the Web page to confirm your agreement with this Statement or actually use the Service provided by this Platform (" Us "), it means that you and us have reached an agreement on this Statement and agree to accept all agreed contents herein. If you do not agree with any content of this Statement or cannot accurately understand our interpretation of the terms of this Statement, please click disagree or stop using the Service. Otherwise, you accept all the terms and conditions set forth in this Statement and agree to be bound by it.

1.7 We respect and protect your privacy and the privacy of all users of the Service. We hereby remind you that: Please confirm that the content you input when using the Service does not contain your personal information and others' personal information.

User protocol

I. Content, effectiveness and alteration of this Agreement

This Agreement includes the text of the Agreement and all kinds of rules that have been published or may be published by the APP in the future. All rules shall form an integral part of this Agreement and have the same legal effect as the text of this Agreement. If you have any questions about the agreement, you should consult the APP. You can become an official user of the Website only after you agree to all terms of the Agreement and complete the registration procedure. After you click the "Agree and Accept" button, this Agreement shall come into force and be binding on both parties.

As long as you use the services of the APP Platform, this Agreement shall be bound to you, and you shall not claim that this Agreement is invalid or request cancellation of this Agreement on the grounds that you have not read the contents of this Agreement or have not obtained the answers to your inquiries from the APP. You confirm that the terms of this Agreement are the contract dealing with the rights and obligations of both parties and are always valid. If there are other mandatory provisions by law or special agreements between the parties, such provisions shall prevail. You undertake to accept and abide by the provisions of this Agreement. If you do not agree with the provisions of this Agreement, you shall immediately stop the registration process or stop using the APP Platform services. The APP shall have the right to formulate and modify this Agreement and/or various rules from time to time as required, and publish them on the APP Platform without notifying users separately. The amended Agreement and rules shall take effect immediately upon publication on the website. If you do not agree with the relevant changes, you shall immediately stop using the APP Platform services. If you continue to use the services of the APP Platform, it means that you accept the revised Agreement and rules.

Ii. Registration

The registered user shall be a natural person, legal person or other organization that has the legal capacity of corresponding rights and conduct and can independently bear legal responsibilities. When you complete the registration procedure or use the services of the Platform in other ways agreed by the APP Platform, you shall be deemed to have confirmed that you are qualified as a subject and can independently bear legal liabilities. If you do not have the subject qualification, all consequences caused by you and your guardian shall be borne by yourself.

2.1 Users shall provide registration information to the Website in good faith. Users agree that the registration information provided is true, accurate, complete, legal and valid. Users shall update their registration information in time if there is any change in their registration information. If the registration information provided by the user is illegal, untrue, inaccurate or not detailed, the user shall bear the corresponding responsibilities and consequences arising therefrom, and the APP reserves the right to terminate the user's use of the services of the Platform.

2.2 The Website will keep confidential the real name/name, correspondence address, telephone number, email and other privacy information of users involved in browsing activities on the Website. Unless authorized by users or otherwise stipulated by laws, the Website will not disclose the privacy information of users to the outside world.

Iii. Account

3.1 After successful registration, you will become a member of the APP Platform and hold the unique account information of the APP Platform. You can change your password according to the regulations of the Website.

3.2 The name you set is your real name and shall not infringe upon or be suspected of infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others. Otherwise, the APP has the right to terminate the service provided to you and cancel your account. After the account is closed, the corresponding member will be open to any user to register and use.

3.3 You shall save and use your member name and password in a prudent and reasonable manner, and shall be responsible for the actions carried out through your member name and password. Members' names and passwords shall not be transferred, donated or inherited in any way (except for the property rights and interests related to the account) unless prescribed by law or judicial decision and agreed by the APP.

3.4 The user shall not lend the account registered on the Website to others for use, otherwise the user shall bear all the liabilities arising therefrom and bear joint and several liabilities with the actual user.

3.5 If you find any illegal use or other situation that may endanger the security of your account, you shall immediately notify the APP to suspend relevant services in an effective manner and report to the public security organ. You understand that it takes a reasonable amount of time for the APP to take action on your request, and the APP shall not be liable for the consequences (including but not limited to any loss to you) that have occurred before taking action.

4. Reasonable use of user information

4.1 You agree that the APP Platform has the right to send information and other notification information to users registered on the Website by email, SMS or phone. Yuyi Yunhe Tech

4.3 The User agrees that the APP has the right to use the user's registration information, user name, password and other information to log in to the user's registered account for evidence preservation, including but not limited to notarization and witness.

V. Service Usage Agreement

5.1 You promise that you will use the Service in strict accordance with this Statement and will not use the Service to carry out any illegal or improper activities, publish, transmit or share any information containing any of the following:

Contains content that is false, fraudulent, harmful, coercive, invades privacy, harrages, infringes upon, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise morally objectionable;

5.2 You shall conduct necessary review on whether the use of the Service complies with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations, and you shall bear all the responsibilities arising therefrom. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be liable for any breach of the above agreement by the Service or by your use of the Service.

5.3 When using the Service, you shall not infringe others' rights and interests (including but not limited to copyright, patent right, trademark right, portrait right and other intellectual property rights and interests). At the same time, you agree and promise that you have obtained sufficient, necessary and valid legal license and authorization to use the text content provided and used by the Service.

5.4 You agree and promise that you will not disclose any confidential, sensitive or personal privacy information when using the Service.

5.5 You understand and agree that the Service is only in the experience and trial period and is not complete. We do not make any commitment to the availability and reliability of any service. We are not responsible for your use of the Service or the results of the Service, and the results of the Service do not represent our position.

5.6 We have the right to change the content and/or provision of the Service at any time due to business development or changes in laws and regulations, and may also suspend or terminate the Service. You agree that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any consequences arising from the above situation.

5.7 Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, disciplinary, accidental or special damages (including but not limited to: profit loss incurred by you in using the Service) arising from the Service (even if you have been informed of the possibility of such damages).

5.8 If you violate any provisions of this Statement, we shall have the right to unilaterally terminate this Statement at any time without any liability on our part. At the same time, we have the right to claim compensation from you according to the actual loss.

Vi. Subscriptions

The Services of TaleTap are primarily free to use and thus do not require subscriptions. However, in certain cases we make some features available from time to time which will be on a paid-subscription basis as premium Services. With respect to TaleTap, these premium services may include additional features such as Ads free,Text to Speech,Image generation etc..Unless specifically provided for otherwise in a signed writing by an authorizedofficer of TaleTap, any and all subscriptions shall be available from the date of purchase on a paid monthly basis, and shall constitute non-exclusive, revocable, non-sublicensable,licenses to access and use the Services and Content made available throughsuch purchased Subscription, subject to all rights, restrictions and termsstated herein, including the absolute right of TaleTap to provideequivalent substitute Services as commercial practicability may require.Except as otherwise specifically discussed herein, no purchased Subscriptions shall be sublicensable or resellable in any fashion.Subscription pricing shall be posted and made available at the point of sale;specific pricing terms and scope of Services subscribed to, may be set by TaleTap at the time of purchase by the concerned Subscriber and may bealtered at any time as applicable to future payments due during any subscription period unless prepaid or guaranteed at a certain rate for a certain period of time. Payments for subscriptions are not refundable except in such case that upon subscription purchase, the premium Content and Services is never provided nor made accessible, in which case, the concerned purchasing User must abide by the procedures for obtaining a refund through the salesplatform (Google play,App Store, etc.).